Sunday 14 November 2010

So the inevitable has happened;

Yes people that's right, I've finally given into my ranting nature and started myself a blog to rave away at nobody in particular as the world slowly goes mad. I'm going to try and link this into my facebook account so that I can stop posting rants as status updates, so for those who get immediately irritated whenever they see my name in news feed, you're welcome. For the people who actually read my periodic rantings and are made to smile by them (all both of them) please attempt to help me wherever possible with rendered opinions and in the rare cases something can actually be changed in the world outside the intertubes, help me in the attempt to restore some sanity to society.
Also as a once and future scientist, I'm curious to find the limits of my rantability, suggestions on un-rantable subjects (or subjects you consider imposible to rant on) would be happily recieved, processed and re-blogged as an attempted rant. I'm truly interested in the concept of an object, creature, place or concept I can't pedantically nitpick.

Today's first topic, ironically, is idiots on the internet. Not just the fucking morons who troll forums and post the most inane shit ever on social networks, but in the more general sense the people who do not appreciate what an amazing tool we have at our disposal and now take for granted. I lived without the internet for three days last week. I wanted to tear my hair out. Also, by this time next year, all the possible IP addresses on IPv4 will have been assigned and new broadband connections will have to be refused. People being REFUSED access to something rapidly becoming the most vital life-tool in the world, until IPv6 is globally implemented, is becoming a distinct probability. Imagine building a house then being told you couldn't hook up to the water and sewage system because there was not space for you, the concept is just insane.
So, the next time these idiots post soemthing fuck-ridiculous, perv on randoms, download insane amounts of porn and waste hours playing fucking CALL OF DUTY online (without appreciating the awesome tool they are using) they do it all without realising that soon enough, they may be deemed unworthy of the privilege. God we can only hope...

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