Monday 24 January 2011

New year, new you... maybe some time next week.

I've been thinking today about excuses, and the fact that no matter how insane or contrived they actually are, when they come out of our mouths we somehow think they'll work. From Justin Bieber's excuse for not having heard the word 'German' ("Oh, we don't say that in america. We don't use that word.") to an encounter with a shoplifter who couldn't return to the store she'd just stolen from because she had a child with her in a pram, people spurt some utter shit. This makes me think about the biggest excuse fest of the whole calendar - new year. I intend to stop procrastinating, knuckle down, concentrate on my uni work, not leave assignments until the day before, quit smoking and drinking and get some damn exercise once in a blue moon. I've done none of these things and at some point I have to admit what all these idiots should really already know; the only person believing the excuses at this point is me. So I'm going to stop making excuses and sort my damn life out, starting next week. Maybe.
In other news, apparantly while I was spending this weekend with a few of my favourite people indulging for the last time before I get my head back into my studies, the rest of the world decided to go a bit potty. I'm away from any news source for roughly four days and here are the stories and rumors circulating, and a couple of things I've just found out but which have been about for a while. I am including with each a corroborative link, an expression of my emotion and a number between 1-10 on how insane I find this 'news'.

Vince McMahon is rumored to be interested in buying Newcastle United.
:-O     (8)

Matrix 4 and 5 in 3D
>.<     (5)

Completely vague timeline on a supernova explosion for the first time in recorded history
:-D / :-/     (2)

Vapid reality TV show about pathetic american meatheads comes to the toon
¬_¬      (10)

They're already talking about the Playstation 4. And they're calling it the Playstation 4.
:@ ffsfuckoffsony     (99)

Hello bizzare parallel universe, is my name even still Dave!?